The most famous tigress in India fights for her life in a violent dance with a younger, bigger male

The most famous tiger in India has been caught on camera fighting for her life against a younger, bigger male in an extraordinary sequence of pictures.
Machali, a 14-year-old tigress at the famous Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve, was photographed trying to defend a kill last year by conservationist Aditya 'Dicky' Singh.
The popular tiger was given a 'lifetime achievement award' last year by pressure group Travel Operators for Tigers after it was estimated she had earned $10 million a year for the last ten years by attracting tourists to India.
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Clash of the Titans: India's most famous tigress Machali, facing the camera, leaps into battle with a younger, bigger male known only as T28, back to the camera, in Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve in India
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Battle for supremacy: T28, back to the camera, was trying to steal Machali's dinner
Renowned wildlife photographer Dicky Singh captured the clash between Machali and the younger male, known only as T28, on April 1, 2009.
The spectacular fight lasted less than a minute and ended with the submission of Machali, who lost her meal as a result.
'We entered the park hoping to see some action but what we got to see just blew us away,' said Dicky, who was just 20 metres away when the fight erupted.
'It was a violent dance, both loud and aggressive, a life-time experience,' said Dicky.
After the younger male stole Machali's catch - a sambar, or Indian deer - the old matriarch held her ground before the big cats launched themselves at each other.
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Submission: The bigger, stronger, younger male wrestles 14-year-old matriarch Machali to the ground
Dicky, a passionate conservationist, told how the promise of seeing tigers in the wild led him to quit his job 12 years ago.
'In 1998 my wife and I quit the rat race and shifted here. Although we make less money than we did earlier we have no regrets,' he said.
'We take nice pictures, travel a lot and generally have a lot of fun and the life here is slow, laid back and good.'
With a bachelor's degree in Engineering, Dicky joined the Indian civil services but quit after realising he was unfulfilled.
'I decided that I should call it a day as I was interested in the field of wildlife photography. It was a dream I'd harboured since childhood.
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Defeat: T28, standing, looms over the subdued Machali, who lost her meal - but luckily not her life - as a result of the skirmish
'For years I tried to do the responsible thing and maintain a career, but in the end I was miserable.'
The budding photographer bought a small lodge on the outskirts of Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve, in the desert state of Rajasthan, and committed himself to various projects to save the environment and wildlife.
'I don't know many people who go to the forest early in the morning, see a lot of wildlife - including tigers - and then come back home for breakfast,' he said. 'This is such a beautiful experience.'
Machali, who was a cub when Dicky moved to the park, has given birth to four litters.
Dicky said: 'It's estimated that Machali has contributed about £7 million per annum for the last 10 years to the local economy in Ranthambhore by drawing hordes of tourists.
'She's getting old now but when she does eventually die it will probably be as the most famous tiger in India.'
Dicky is also an active member of the team responsible for the monitoring and oversight of the tiger census programme in India.
The tiger population in India has plummeted to just 1350, just over a third of the 3700 estimated to be alive in 2002.