Will your cleavage cause an earthquake?

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An Iranian cleric Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi, made headlines last week by claiming women who wore immodest clothing and behaved promiscuously were responsible for earthquakes.
"Many women who do not dress modestly … lead young men astray, corrupt their chastity and spread adultery in society, which (consequently) increases earthquakes," Sedighi was quoted as saying by Iranian media. So an American student, Jen McCreight, author of the blog ‘Blag Hag’ thinks women should road test the theory and has put forward a ‘modest proposal’ that could trigger a ‘boobquake’.
She’s urging womankind to wear revealing tops or extremely short shorts and show some skin! All this is in order to find out if this 'scandalous’ display of skin will lead to a rumbling-tumbling of the Earth! Ladies, would you join the skimpy-clothed battalion? We asked some iDiva regulars, and this is what they had to say:
"Not really. Considering the fact that I live in Mumbai and I get visually molested every time I step onto the streets even when I'm fully clothed. I cannot fathom what would happen if I took my clothes off!"
-Karishma Rajani, 19, media student

"The event is today! I guess I can do my bit by wearing shorts and roaming in the locality today - just to shake things up!"
-Sneha Matthew, 25, media professional

"Whoaa! Now that is something! I would've loved to join this gutsy woman! But you know, it really is not possible for us women living in India! How can I wear something skimpy to work and explain my feminist intentions? Doesn't work for us! But yes, I really like the idea! If only I were to be living abroad..."
-Sejal Bhat, 23, IT professional

“Why would anyone wear skimpy clothes just to prove this cleric wrong? He seems to be a crackpot and I don't want to give him any importance by joining in this crazy experiment."
-Shilpa Dube, 25, online content executive

"Yes I will. One guy in Iran cannot disrespect a woman or criticise her clothing style and by relating it to a natural calamity for god’s sake! Why do men blame women for everything evil?"
-Geeta M, 20, designer

"To support the cause, I sure will! This guy really needs to grow up! How can he even relate such things to women? Does he not have any more pressing problems that he has time to come up with crazy theories like this? It is just nasty on his part!"
-Pooja Ahir, 23, medical student