Viola Heineman, 81, Arrested for Stalking Elderly Neighbor and Her Gay Son

By Pete Kotz
Viola Elizabeth Heineman gives new meaning to the concept of angry old women. She lives in Cape Coral, Florida, and for some reason really, really doesn't like her 85-year-old neighbor or the woman's gay son. So she likes to call them up an harass them. A lot...

Police say the 81-year-old Heineman made nine calls to the elderly neighbor, and they got increasingly abusive as they went along. She accused the 85-year-old woman of being a whore and "lifting her legs for any man out there." She also had some choice and vulgar things to say about the gay son, who we can assume is well into middle age.

How a woman that old can be a whore, we're not sure. But as you will see, Heineman is not exactly the reasonable type.

So police, not inclined to arrest an 81-year-old woman, went to her house with a victim's advocate, hoping to get Heineman to knock it off. But as the advocate was explaining how the stalking was very uncool, Heineman got up and left the room.

The advocate tried to talk to her again in another room. But Heineman didn't want to hear it. She also denied making the calls, even though some were recorded on an answering machine.

Then, just to show her displeasure over police interrupting her daily viewing of The Price is Right, she raised her cane and threatened the advocate. "I'm going to hit you with this," she said.

At this point police figured they didn't have much choice. Heineman's cane was confiscated, and she was arrested for stalking.