Bare-chested Julian Assange dubbed Rockstar of the Year by Italy's Rolling Stone

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been named Rockstar of the Year and awarded the cover of Italy's Rolling Stone magazine for his rock and roll lifestyle.
The cover shows Assange bare chested in front of a row of TV's each showing his face and below is the caption: 'The Man Who Fell (From The Web) to Earth.'
The headline was a play on his resemblance to music legend David Bowie's character Thomas Jerome Newton in the 1970's cult film 'The Man Who Fell to Earth.'
'Julian Assange appears shirtless on the cover of Italy's Rolling Stone with the headline Rockstar Of The Year
'Julian Assange appears shirtless on the cover of Italy's Rolling Stone with the headline Rockstar Of The Year
Last year the magazine devoted its cover to controversial Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi after he was involved in several sleazy sex scandals with escorts.
In announcing its award Rolling Stone said that Assange was the 'Angel of Death for every secret of those in power.'
Although not a musician, he 'is the person who best embodied a rock'n'roll behavior' in 2010.
It added that his strategy was 'worthy of the best Marvel comics' and added he was a 'platinum villain who endangers the powerful of the planet, passing himself off as cyberpunk.'