Orgasm triggers stroke

imageHave you heard of paralysis attack or stroke during intercourse? Sure, you don’t believe but it is true. A woman suffered stroke during intercourse in Illinois state of USA.

Doctors also confirm the report and opine "Sex- and orgasm-triggered strokes."

A medical report said that a healthy 35-year-old Illinois woman suffered the rare Sex- and orgasm-triggered strokes.

Doctor attending the patient said that this kind of strokes occur in relatively young women and men.

It requires a combination of factors and events not unusual in themselves, but which are highly unlikely to occur at the same time.

However, the woman was successfully treated after the attack. The victim’s left arm and face was paralyzed due to blood clotting after the stroke.

Why Sex- and orgasm-triggered strokes?
Till now there were six such cases surfaced. And one thing was common in all the victims. They symptoms of a patent foramen ovale or PFO was common.

PFO is a small opening in the wall between the two upper chambers of her heart. It rarely diagnosed because it doesn’t produce danger in daily life. One in four adults has this minor heart defect.

Blood flow through a PFO increases when a person strains, such as bearing down during a bowel movement or breathing out with the mouth closed and nostrils pinched shut.

It also happens during sex, particularly during orgasm, says Brett L. Cucchiara, MD, director of the Penn Stroke Center at the University of Pennsylvania.