World’s largest home completed in Mumbai

Nothing quite says 'rich' like a personal helipad, though three personal helipads would suggest one needs a helicopter just to get to the top of that huge pile of money. This particular pile is estimated to be $27 billion dollars high and belongs to Mukesh Ambani, one of the owners of oil giant Reliance Industries.
The home itself is said to be the world’s largest with twenty-seven stories, six levels of parking, nine elevators and a garden large enough to house trees. What is odd about the extravagant structure is that the owner is reputed to be quite the introvert, but Hamish McDonald who has recenty authored a book on the Ambani family commented that,
"Perhaps he has been stung by his portrayal in the media as an introvert. Maybe he is making the point that he is a tycoon in his own right,"
The home, also known as Antilia after a mythical island in the Atlantic, appears to be a point sufficiently made.
Full story at Yahoo News.