Social Media Mercenary has compiled a listing of 50 female blog voices worth following. Who made the list? Here are just 10 of the women:
- Charlene Li—Twitter: @charleneli Blog: Charlene Li
- Aliza Sherman—Twitter: @alizasherman; Blog: Media Egg, WebWorkerDaily
- Liz Strauss—Twitter: @lizstrauss; Blog: Successful Blog
- Valeria Maltoni—Twitter: @conversationage; Blog: Conversation Agent
- Tamar Weinberg—Twitter: @tamar; Blog: Techipedia, Frequent Blogger at Mashable
- Thursday Bram—Twitter: @thursdayb; Blog: Thursday Bram, Constructively Productive, WebWorkerDaily
- Sharon Hurley Hall—Twitter: @shurleyhall; Blog: Get Paid to Write Online
- Naomi Dunford—Twitter: @naomidunford; Blog: IttyBiz
- Jennifer Mattern—Twitter: @queryfreewriter; Blog: All Freelance Writing, ProBusinessWriter, Social Realist
- Susan Johnston—Twitter: @urbanmusewriter; Blog: Urban Muse Writer, Frequent Contributor to WorkAwesome