ONE SMALL SNIFF: A UK artist - in conjunction an Apollo 16 astronaut - has recreated the smell of the Moon.
It's Moon art - a series of "scratch and sniff" art prints which purportedly smell like the moon.
UK artist Sue Corke worked alongside flavourist Steven Pearce and Apollo 16 astronaut Charlie Duke to create the prints, said to smell similar to gunpowder.
Astronauts have been trying to describe the smell of the moon since the first moon landing in 1969.
Though they couldn't touch their noses to the lunar surface, NASA said that after every moonwalk, the astronauts would tramp the stuff back inside the lander and inspect it once removing their space suits.
Apollo 17 astronaut Gene Cernan said he wished he could send some dust back after his visit.
"It's amazing stuff. It smells like spent gunpowder," Cernan said.
And according to Apollo 16 astronaut John Young it didn't taste "half bad."
The dust is reported to feel soft like snow, yet it is also strangely abrasive.
The Moon prints, which use a scented ink, will be sold for A$7000 (NZ$9144). Only 200 will be produced.